Tuesday, March 4, 2014

WIA Assists Young Mom with Career Goal

The Younger Youth Workforce Investment Act Program (WIA) is designed to assist students with long-term academic and occupational career goals. The program assists economically disadvantaged youth, between 16-21 years of age and enrolled in high school, in overcoming barriers to employment by providing them with the necessary skills to be successful in the workplace.

Mandy Lippert enrolled in the WIA In-school Youth program while she was attending the Beloit Fresh Start program at Community Action in 2011. Fresh Start was Mandy’s opportunity to reclaim her motivation and make the most of the opportunities in front of her to provide for herself and her young daughter. She dove right into the Fresh Start program, signed up for the WIA In-school youth program, and worked hard to complete her academics as early as she could. A presenter from the Youth Health Service Corps and the WIA Transition Coordinator held an interactive Medical Career Fair for the Fresh Start students to participate in. Mandy became intrigued with the medical field and wanted to learn more about it, so she signed up for the Youth Health Service Corps (YHSC). During her participation in YHSC she was able to explore medical careers through job shadows, hands-on experiences and a service learning project. This helped Mandy discover that being a Pharmacist was something she was very interested in. After graduation in 2012 from the Fresh Start Program she took some time off to stay with her daughter and search for work. In 2013 Mandy decided it was time to go back to school so she enrolled in the Pharmacy Technician program at Blackhawk Technical College. In December she finished her first semester of schooling and is all set to begin her second semester at Blackhawk. Mandy says she will not stop with the technical degree; she plans to become a Pharmacist and is looking in to Universities and other Pharmacy programs offered through many franchise pharmacies. Motivated by her daughter and her desire to be a positive role model for her there is no doubt Mandy will achieve her goals. Currently Mandy is receiving follow-up services through WIA to support her in her efforts and be a resource for Mandy when needed.